BP1429 - Masters in Miniature - Military History Recreated

The book is a combination of 6 months photography on the Perry's part, years of painting on the part of the 
many painters and a frenzied couple of months on Atlantic’s part, mostly by Henry Hyde who excelled 
himself in putting this book to ’bed’.

There is a forward by Rick Priestley and a (would you ‘Adam and Eve it’!) a brief biography by Henry at 
the end.

All the figures in the book are from Perry Miniatures ranges and are covered in by chapter in 
chronological order; 
• The First Crusade 1096-1099
• Agincourt to Orleans 1415-1429
• The Wars of the Roses 1455-1487
and European Armies 1450-1500
• Samurai Armies 1550-1615
 and Choson Korean Army 1592-1598
• The English Civil Wars 1642-1651
 and the Border Reivers of the 1580’s
• The American War of Independence 1775-1783
• Napoleonic Armies 1809-1814
• Napoleonic Armies 1815
• The First Carlist War 1833-1840
• The American Civil War 1861-1865
• The Mahdist Uprising in the Sudan 1881-1885
• World War II 1939-45
160pp hard cover with nearly 400 colour photos

Our Price: £29.50

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