AD-WWPD01 - WWII Platoon Deal

Our platoon deals are designed to give you a ready to go unit for your WW2 games.
The World War Two Platoon deal is made up of 34 figures, (Three 10 man squads and 4 command figures)
Contains a random selection of figures taken from the relevant Artizan Design WWII range. The weapon mix for each squad is 8 rifles, 1 LMG and 1 LMG loader.
28mm sized metal figures, supplied unpainted.

You then choose what nation you'd like your platoon to be. You can choose from any of the Artizan Design WWII ranges:
US Infantry,
US Infantry in Greatcoats,
US Paratroopers,
US Infantry (Late War),
British 8th Army,
British Infantry,
Britsh Commando (Led by Lovat),
British Airborne,
French Foreign Legion (Desert),
German Afrika Korps,
Germans in Greatcoats,
Germans in Combat Smocks,
German Paratroopers,
Germans in Winter Kit,
Italian Infantry (Western Desert),
Soviet Summer Kit,
Soviet Winter Kit.

Just let us know in the notes which you'd prefer, and email us to be sure.

WWII Platoon Deal

Our Price was: £58.00
Special Offer price!: £52.00

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